Build Confidence in Your Digital Security Posture with Cybersecurity and Technology Assurance

Comprehensive Cybersecurity and Technology Assurance services that empower you to proactively mitigate risks and safeguard your critical assets.


Cybersecurity and Technology Assurance

Cybersecurity and Technology Assurance services are professional assessments that help organizations identify, assess, and mitigate cybersecurity risks in their technology systems. These services aim to provide confidence in the overall security posture of an organization’s technology infrastructure and data.

Core Solutions

Managed Security Operations Centers (MSOC) Services

Continuous monitoring and analysis of an organization’s security posture by a team of security professionals. MSOCs identify, investigate, and respond to potential security threats.

Operational Technology (OT) / Industrial Controls Assessment

Evaluation of the security posture of industrial control systems used in critical infrastructure. This assesses vulnerabilities in devices, protocols, and procedures.

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT)

Identifying weaknesses and exploitable flaws in systems and applications and simulating cyberattacks to exploit vulnerabilities and assess the effectiveness of security controls.

Configuration Review

Examines system configurations to ensure they comply with security best practices and organizational policies. This identifies misconfigurations that could create security risks.

Source Code Review

Analyzes the source code of software applications to identify vulnerabilities and coding errors that could be exploited by attackers.

Managed Security Operations Centers (MSOC) Services

MSOC services provide 24/7 monitoring and analysis of your organization’s security posture by a team of security professionals. This includes log collection, event correlation, threat detection, incident response, and security reporting.


Security Experts

Our MSOC is staffed with experienced security analysts who are skilled in threat detection, incident response, and security best practices.


Advanced Security Tools

We leverage industry-leading Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) platforms to automate routine tasks and enable rapid response to threats.


Threat Intelligence Feeds

We utilize real-time threat intelligence feeds to stay up-to-date on the latest cyber threats and vulnerabilities.


Customizable Service

We tailor our MSOC services to your specific needs and security posture, ensuring comprehensive coverage for your critical assets.


Enhanced Threat Detection

Proactive identification and analysis of potential security threats to minimize risk.


Faster Incident Response

Rapid reaction to security incidents to minimize damage and downtime.


Improved Security Posture

Continuous monitoring helps identify and address security weaknesses before they can be exploited.


Reduced Security Costs

MSOC services offer a cost-effective way to gain access to a team of security experts and advanced security tools.


24/7 Security Coverage

Ensures your organization is protected around the clock, even outside of business hours.

Operational Technology (OT) / Industrial Controls Assessment

An OT/Industrial Controls Assessment evaluates the security posture of the systems used to control and monitor physical processes in critical infrastructure sectors like power generation, manufacturing, and water treatment. This assessment identifies vulnerabilities in devices, communication protocols, and operational procedures that could be exploited by attackers to disrupt operations, damage equipment, or even cause physical harm.


OT Security Expertise

Our team includes security professionals with experience in both IT and OT security, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges of industrial control systems.


Non-Invasive Techniques

We utilize non-intrusive assessment methodologies to minimize disruption to critical operations. This may involve network traffic analysis, vulnerability scanning of specific OT devices, and interviews with personnel responsible for system operation.


Regulatory Compliance Assessment

We can assess your OT environment for compliance with relevant industry standards and regulations, such as NERC CIP (North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection) or IEC 62443.


Risk Prioritization

We prioritize identified vulnerabilities based on their potential impact on the safety, reliability, and availability of your operations.


Improved OT Security Posture

Identify and address vulnerabilities in your OT systems before they can be exploited by attackers.


Reduced Risk of Disruptions & Damage

Proactive mitigation of threats helps ensure the smooth operation of critical infrastructure.


Enhanced Safety

Mitigate security risks that could lead to physical harm to personnel or damage to equipment.


Compliance Assurance

Demonstrate adherence to industry regulations and best practices for OT security.


Prioritized Remediation Efforts

Focus resources on addressing the most critical vulnerabilities first.

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing.

VAPT combines two methods, Vulnerability Assessment (VA) and Penetration Testing (Pen Test), to comprehensively assess the security posture of your organization’s systems, applications, and network infrastructure. A VAPT helps identify weaknesses and potential entry points for attackers, allowing you to take proactive measures and strengthen your defenses.


Vulnerability Assessment

We utilize industry-leading vulnerability scanners to identify known weaknesses in your systems and applications. This includes outdated software, misconfigurations, and security flaws.


Penetration Testing

Our skilled ethical hackers simulate real-world cyberattacks to exploit discovered vulnerabilities and assess their severity. This helps us understand how attackers may attempt to gain access to your systems and data.


Risk-Based Prioritization

We prioritize identified vulnerabilities based on exploitability, potential impact, and the likelihood of an attack. This helps you focus your resources on addressing the most critical vulnerabilities first.


Improved Visibility

Gain high visibility into the security posture of your organization’s IT environment.


Enhanced Security

Identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers.


Increased Resilience

Strengthen your defenses against cyberattacks, improving your overall security posture.


Better Vulnerability Management

Reduce time and effort by prioritizing critical vulnerabilities based on active threats.


Actionable Insights

Receive detailed reports with identified weaknesses, remediation steps, and an accurate picture based on an up-to-date vulnerability database.

Configuration Review

A Configuration Review is a systematic examination of the settings on your organization’s IT assets, including servers, network devices, applications, and other components. This review ensures your systems are configured securely and adhere to best practices, minimizing the attack surface and reducing the risk of exploitation.


Customized Review

We understand each business has unique security needs. We tailor our review to your IT environment and security goals, focusing on the most critical configurations for your specific systems.


Industry Best Practices

Our review aligns with industry-recognized security standards and best practices, ensuring your configurations meet established security benchmarks.


Detailed Analysis

We go beyond simply checking enabled/disabled settings. We analyze configurations to identify potential weaknesses and ensure they are optimized for security.


Remediation Guidance

We provide clear guidance on recommended configuration changes and assist you in implementing them to strengthen your security posture.


Reduced Attack Surface

Harden your systems by identifying and correcting insecure configurations, minimizing potential entry points for attackers.


Improved Security Posture

Ensure your IT assets are configured securely, reducing the risk of exploitation by malicious actors.


Compliance Assurance

Help your organization meet regulatory compliance requirements that mandate secure configurations for specific systems.


Business Alignment

Configurations are tailored to your specific IT environment and security goals, ensuring optimal security without hindering functionality.

Source Code Review

A Source Code Review is a security analysis of the coding practices and standards used in your web applications, mobile apps, database procedures, web services, and other software. It aims to identify security weaknesses and flaws within the code itself that could be exploited by attackers.


Security-Focused Review

Our team of security experts performs a thorough examination of your code, paying particular attention to areas critical for secure development, as outlined in your specific needs



Weaknesses that allow unauthorized access to data or functionality.



Flaws that enable unauthorized users to perform actions beyond their permitted privileges.


Session Management

Improper session handling that could lead to session hijacking.


Data Validation

Inadequate validation of user input, potentially enabling injection attacks.


Error Handling

Errors that reveal sensitive information or provide openings for attackers.



Insufficient logging capabilities that hinder incident detection and response.



Weak encryption practices or improper key management.


Input Sanitization

Unsanitized user input that can be manipulated for malicious purposes.


Coding Standard Alignment

We also assess your code for adherence to secure coding practices, helping to identify potential weaknesses and ensure a consistent coding style that aligns with your organization’s established standards.


Proactive Security

Early identification and remediation of security vulnerabilities in your code significantly reduce the risk of attacks.


Improved Software Quality

Identifying and addressing coding errors that can lead to malfunctions or unexpected behavior.


Reduced Development Costs

Catching security flaws early in the development process saves time and resources compared to fixing them later.


Stronger Application Security

Develop a culture of secure coding practices within your organization.


Absolutely. C&TA services offer a comprehensive evaluation that doesn’t require a dedicated security team. We leverage automated vulnerability scanners and penetration testing methodologies to identify weaknesses in your systems, applications, and network configurations.

While firewalls and antivirus are crucial components, they don’t provide a complete security picture. C&TA services go deeper, identifying misconfigurations, outdated software, and potential zero-day vulnerabilities that traditional security software might miss.

C&TA services are customizable based on your needs. We can assess your network security posture, including firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), and wireless access points. We can also evaluate application security, focusing on potential vulnerabilities within your web applications and custom software. Additionally, if you leverage cloud-based services, we can assess your cloud security posture for potential configuration weaknesses.

Most C&TA assessments are designed to minimize disruption to your day-to-day operations. We utilize non-intrusive vulnerability scanning tools and schedule penetration testing activities outside of peak business hours whenever possible.

You’ll receive a detailed report outlining identified vulnerabilities, categorized by severity and potential impact. We prioritize these findings based on exploitability and recommend remediation steps. Our team can also assist you in developing a security roadmap to strengthen your overall security posture.

Absolutely. Many industries have specific security regulations that organizations must adhere to. C&TA assessments can identify security gaps that might hinder compliance. We can also provide insights into best practices for meeting these regulatory requirements.

Build Confidence in Your Digital Security Posture with Cybersecurity and Technology Assurance

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