Streamline Compliance,

with our GRC Solutions

We deliver value-added consulting, sophisticated solutions, and cutting-edge services for a robust GRC framework.


GRC Solutions

Our GRC solutions offer a comprehensive approach to managing IT governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) in Saudi Arabia. We combine best practices with leading GRC software to provide a holistic view of your organization’s risk posture and regulatory landscape. This integrated approach streamlines processes, enhances visibility, and empowers data-driven decision-making, ultimately helping you achieve GRC excellence.

Core Solutions

Enterprise Governance & Compliance (EGC

The process of establishing clear rules, structures, and processes to ensure an organization operates ethically, efficiently, and in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

A proactive approach to identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating potential threats to an organization’s strategic objectives and operational continuity.

Cybersecurity GRC

The integration of cybersecurity practices and considerations into the overall governance, risk management, and compliance framework, specifically focusing on protecting information assets, systems, and data from cyber threats.

Enterprise Governance & Compliance (EGC)

EGC is a framework that enforces ethical and compliant operations within an organization. It achieves this through a combination of

Governance Architecture

Defining roles, responsibilities, and reporting hierarchies (e.g., RACI matrices)

Policy Management

 Developing and implementing clear policies and procedures to govern decision-making, information security, and access controls.

Compliance Management Framework (CMF)

 Identifying relevant regulations (e.g., SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI DSS) and establishing a program to ensure adherence. This includes automated tools for compliance assessments and documentation management.

Internal Controls Framework (ICF)

 Implementing robust controls to mitigate risks, prevent errors, and ensure adherence to policies. This may involve continuous monitoring tools and automated reporting.


Governance Gap Analysis

Evaluating your existing governance structure to identify weaknesses and potential areas for improvement.


Compliance Risk Assessments

Assessing your organization’s risk profile against relevant regulations and industry best practices.


Control Framework Design

Develop and implement a comprehensive control framework that aligns with your governance objectives and compliance requirements.


Regulatory Change Management

Proactively monitoring regulatory changes and updating your EGC framework accordingly.


Reduced Errors & Fines

Strong EGC minimizes errors and regulatory fines through ethical and compliant operations.


Enhanced Transparency & Accountability

Clear structures and communication foster a culture of accountability and transparency.


Improved Decision-Making

Effective governance empowers informed decisions at all levels.


Increased Stakeholder Confidence

Strong EGC practices boost stakeholder trust and confidence.


Streamlined Operations

Clear policies and procedures improve efficiency and reduce rework.

Enterprise risk management (ERM)

ERM is an approach to managing the company’s operational, financial, and strategic risks in a comprehensive and systematic way. It helps organizations identify, assess, prioritize, and respond to risks proactively  through a combination of

ERM Capability Assessment & Roadmap

We evaluate your current risk management practices, pinpointing strengths and weaknesses in your risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and risk culture.

Risk Appetite Definition

 Establishing the level of risk your organization is willing to accept to achieve strategic goals.

ERM Policy Development

A formal document outlining your organization’s commitment to sound risk management practices.

Enterprise Risk Assessment (ERA)

A comprehensive analysis to identify potential risks across all organizational areas like operations, strategy, and the broader environment.


Discovery & Assessment

We understand your current risk landscape and identify areas for improvement.


Risk Appetite & Tolerance

We work with your leadership to define your acceptable level of risk.


Methodology Selection

We choose and customize risk assessment tools like FMEA or TVAs based on your needs.


Risk Identification & Prioritization

We work with your team to identify and prioritize potential risks across all departments.


Risk Mitigation & Response

We develop strategies to address high-priority risks and create response plans for identified threats.


Continuous Monitoring & Improvement

We monitor your risk profile, update the program, and work with you to refine it as needed.


Enhanced Strategic Decisions

Proactive risk management allows for informed strategic decisions aligned with your goals.


Improved Operational Resilience

A strong ERM program helps you anticipate and mitigate disruptions, ensuring business continuity.


Reduced Risk of Losses

Proactive ERM helps identify and address threats before they cause financial or reputational damage.


Increased Stakeholder Confidence

Demonstrating a commitment to ERM fosters trust and confidence with stakeholders.


Improved Resource Allocation

By prioritizing risks, you can allocate resources more effectively to address the most critical threats

Cybersecurity GRC

Cybersecurity GRC integrates cybersecurity practices into your overall governance, risk management, and compliance framework. It ensures your organization in Saudi Arabia adheres to national and international standards while safeguarding information assets from cyber threats through a combination of

Compliance with National & International Standards

 We help you comply with frameworks like NCA, SAMA, and SACS-002.

Cybersecurity Risk Management

We identify and mitigate cybersecurity risks specific to your organization in Saudi Arabia.

Information Security Management System (ISMS) Implementation

Our experts guide you in establishing an ISMS that is aligned with ISO & NIST standards.

Cybersecurity Audits & Assessments

We identify vulnerabilities in your systems and processes.

Cybersecurity Strategy & Roadmap Development

We collaborate with you to develop a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

Cybersecurity Frameworks & Standards Development (Optional)

We can create customized frameworks for your specific needs.


Understanding Your Needs

We tailor our approach to your unique situation.


Risk-Based Approach

We prioritize the most critical cybersecurity threats to your organization.


Alignment with Local & Global Standards

We ensure compliance with relevant national and international standards.


Continuous Improvement

We implement a framework for monitoring and improving your cybersecurity posture.


Enhanced Security Posture

Reduce the risk of cyberattacks and safeguard your critical digital assets.


Demonstrated Compliance

Meet regulatory requirements and demonstrate your commitment to cybersecurity best practices.


Improved Business Continuity

Minimize disruptions caused by cyberattacks and ensure business continuity.


Increased Stakeholder Confidence

Boost stakeholder trust and confidence in your organization’s ability to protect sensitive information.


Reduced Insurance Premiums

A strong cybersecurity posture can lead to lower insurance premiums.

Streamline Compliance, with our GRC Solutions

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